The Allergy Clinic
Allergy Symptoms
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Symptoms of Allergy and Intolerance

Types of Allergy:

We all know about allergies to pollens and grasses (hay fever), and house dust mite (often contributing to asthma). We know that some people experience serious reactions to peanuts or bee stings, which can lead to anaphylaxis (a severe and sometimes life-threatening reaction). These are examples of Classic Allergies. Most such allergies have two characteristic features:

  1. Reaction times are rapid. Symptoms usually appear within minutes (sometimes seconds) or just a few hours after exposure to an allergen.
  2. Symptoms tend to be 'typically' allergic: swelling, sneezing, rashes, spots, hives, itching and so on. They look like the symptoms of allergy we have become familiar with.

In recent decades, however, a different class of sensitivity has been unmasked. The triggers are often 'hidden' and more difficult to identify. We generally call such hidden sensitivities Intolerances. We now believe that they are even more common than classic allergies. In fact, clinical ecologists (allergists) estimate that over 50% of our population is affected by them. It is these hidden sensitivities in particular which often go undetected and untreated.

How to differentiate between Classic Allergies and Intolerances:

Intolerances are different and more difficult to diagnose than classic allergies:

  • Unlike classic reactions, there is usually a delay between exposure to a trigger substance and the onset of symptoms. So, for example, the cheese you eat on Monday could be the cause of your migraine on Wednesday.
  • The symptoms of reaction are often common complaints like tiredness, bloating, achy joints – symptoms we don't think of as typically allergic.
  • People intolerant to the same food may have very different symptoms from each other, and conversely, people with the same symptoms may be intolerant to completely different foods.
  • The same sensitivity, for example to potatoes, may show up as different symptoms at different times, depending on other variables.

For these reasons we may not suspect we have sensitivities at all. Long delays, familiar complaints, and varying reactions mean we don't readily associate our symptoms with our diet or environment. Yet foods, chemicals, and other triggers may be the hidden causes of the symptoms we are suffering from.

Symptoms of Allergy and Intolerance:

Have a look at the symptoms below to help you assess your allergy status.

'Giveaway' Symptoms (many people with hidden sensitivities have at least one): Feeling tired all the time ... Feeling tired after eating ... Palpitations or rapid heart rate (especially after eating) ... Feeling 'toxic' or 'poisoned' ... Unrefreshing sleep or rest ... Feeling sick in the morning ... Consistently overweight or history of fluctuating weight ... Changing abruptly from feeling well to unwell ... Occasional perspiration not related to exercise ... Ocassional swelling around eyes, hands, ankles, or waist.

Mental/Emotional/Nervous System: Can't think clearly, can't concentrate, muzzy head, poor memory, anxiety, depression, insomnia, can't get up in the morning, irritability, hyperactivity (especially in children), fidgety, restless legs, tingling, convulsions.

Head: Recurring headaches or migraines, tension, constant pressure, constant muzzy feeling, feeling faint, vertigo.

Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat and Mouth: Eyes feel heavy, puffy, itchy, scratchy, watery, look red, blurred vision, hay fever ... Tinnitus, recurring ear infections, red and itchy outer ear ... Sinusitis, rhinitis, runny or stuffed up nose without a cold, sneezing, post nasal drip, catarrh ... Metallic or foul taste, chronic sore throat, tight feeling in throat, itchy roof of mouth, mouth ulcers, oral thrush, swollen lips or tongue, under/over-functioning thyroid.

Heart and Lungs: Palpitations (especially after eating), high blood pressure, tightness in chest, wheezing, asthma.

Skin: Eczema, psoriasis, hives, rashes, sores, blotches, spots, acne, itching, swelling, flushing, redness, fungal infections.

Gastrointestinal: Diarrhoea and/or constipation, flatulence, bloating, nausea, pain, cramps, hunger pangs, cravings, high/low blood sugar, diabetes, candida/fungal overgrowth, IBS, Coeliac disease/gluten intolerance, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis, gallstones, liver dysfunction.

Genitourinary: Bedwetting, genital itch, thrush, cystitis, menstrual problems (including PMT).

Joints and Muscles: Achy joints and muscles, arthritis (any type), swellings, cramps, shaking or trembling limbs (especially on waking).

Are you overweight?

Allergy can make you fat! If you are overweight or experience fluctuating weight you are more likely to have food intolerances. If you do, there is a good chance that you will lose weight or it will stabilize once problem foods have been eliminated from your diet. I have had success helping people find their optimum weight by addressing food sensitivity. This is often a key factor in weight imbalance.

Please note:

  • The more of these symptoms you have the more likely it is that you are allergic or intolerant. However, symptoms can have other causes. If necessary, I will recommend that you visit your GP for further tests and advice in addition to the help I can give.
  • Prolonged lifestyle and emotional stress (e.g. overwork, worry, unhappiness) can make us susceptible to allergy and sensitivity.
  • So can sudden physical or emotional shock, e.g. after an accident, operation, a sudden illness, intensive drug therapy (anaesthetics, antibiotics, steroids, etc), and loss or bereavement.
  • Unusual, strange, mysterious, baffling ailments may be partly (even mainly) allergenic, e.g. those which are sometimes dismissed as 'all in the mind'.
FREE Allergy Report

To receive a
FREE Allergy Report
send me a request at

Please include your (first) name. You'll receive your Report within three days (check your Junk/Spam folder just in case)

The Allergy Report will help
you take your next steps to
good health and well being.
It is full of practical easy-
to-read information on:
1) The pros and cons of
common testing methods,
2) How to differentiate
between allergy types,
3) How to assess your
allergy status,
4) The value of a 'holistic'
approach to allergy, and
5) Homeopathic desensitisation.
Plus there are tips on treating six conditions which are often
allergy/intolerance related:
hay fever, eczema, hives,
irritable bowel, weight gain,
and feeling tired all the time.
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The Allergy Clinic will never
rent, sell or give your contact
details to any third parties.

My Clients Say

"Your diagnosis was really
good. Also, it was great that
you suggested rotating foods
and drinks that might be
lowering my resistance,
rather than cutting them out
altogether. I feel much better
about myself, quite proud in
fact. The bottom line is I am
much better. Yesterday I had
my first day free of sneezing,
runny nose, and itchy eyes for
many months. Many thanks,

Michael Trevillion after
adjustments to his diet,
and treatment for
chronic eye, nose, and
throat symptoms, including
homeopathic desensitisation
to house dust mite.

My Clients Say

"I don't get bloated any more,
and my very achy joints have
gone. My energy has been
fantastic, and I've lost weight.
I just want to keep my energy
levels up, and stay nice and
peaceful as I am."

J.S. after testing and
treatment for food
sensitivities (wheat, dairy,
and pork). She had been
suffering from tired achy
muscles and pains in joints,
IBS, and chronic fatigue.

My Clients Say

"I'm alright on bread again.
I'm pleased because I really
love it. I've been eating lots
of cheese - no problems!
About 10 days ago my scalp cleared up completely! I can hardly believe it! And my hair looks more shiny now."

I.J-S. after homeopathic desensitisation to brown
bread, cheese, and
other foods.