The Allergy Clinic
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Hay Fever
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Treatment for Hay Fever Sufferers

If you suffer from hay fever it is likely that you have sensitivities to allergens other than plants and grasses (e.g. to foods, airborne pollutants, etc). For this reason it makes sense to have a full allergy consultation. These other sensitivities may be contributing to your susceptibility to hay fever, and if they are not dealt with too then resolution of your hay fever may be less than complete.

The following true story illustrates this situation:

A London lawyer suffered miserably from hay fever every summer, to the extent that it interfered with his performance in court. An allergy test revealed sensitivities to several foods including chicken, salmon, and sesame seeds which he ate almost daily. He eliminated these foods altogether, and within a few days his hay fever cleared up completely. Now, these foods were not directly causing his hay fever, but they were undermining his immune response. Eliminating them from his diet reduced the 'toxic load' in his body thereby improving his response to the grasses and pollens directly causing his hay fever. (See Treatment Solutions).

Your hay fever will be treated with homeopathic desensitising remedies made from mixed plant and grass pollens (see instructions below), and with other remedies which strengthen your immune response and provide symptom relief. There are no toxic side-effects from any of these remedies. The aim of treatment is to reduce your predisposition to hay fever until you no longer react to the allergens.

Hay fever desensitisation is a two year protocol. Many feel better as soon as treatment begins. The majority experience significantly less hay fever during the first pollen season after treatment has begun, and become symptom-free during the second pollen season.

Instructions for Desensitisation to
Mixed Plant and Grass Pollens

A reminder if you have already been prescribed the Hay Fever Box.

The desensitisation process is carried out over two weeks.

One dose = two drops under the tongue, in a clean mouth. Do not eat or drink 15 minutes before and after taking the remedy, except for water.

WEEK 1: On the first morning take one dose of Synergist immediately followed by one dose of Mixed Plant Pollens 30 in the morning and one dose of Mixed Plant Pollens 30 in the evening. Over the next 6 days take one dose of Mixed Plant Pollens 30 morning and evening. Do not take Synergist on these days.

WEEK 2: On the first morning take one dose of Synergist immediately followed by one dose of Mixed Grass Pollens 200. Over the next 6 days take one dose of Mixed Grass Pollens 200 daily. Do not take Synergist on these days.

Then, each week, until the end of the pollen season, take one dose of Mixed Plant Pollens 30 followed by one dose of Mixed Grass Pollens 200 once weekly without Synergist.

At any time, when hay fever symptoms are present you may take up to four doses a day of the First Aid Remedy.

Next year, repeat the above procedure ideally beginning the first week of February.

FREE Allergy Report

To receive a
FREE Allergy Report
send me a request at

Please include your (first) name. You'll receive your Report within three days (check your Junk/Spam folder just in case)

The Allergy Report will help
you take your next steps to
good health and well being.
It is full of practical easy-
to-read information on:
1) The pros and cons of
common testing methods,
2) How to differentiate
between allergy types,
3) How to assess your
allergy status,
4) The value of a 'holistic'
approach to allergy, and
5) Homeopathic desensitisation.
Plus there are tips on treating six conditions which are often
allergy/intolerance related:
hay fever, eczema, hives,
irritable bowel, weight gain,
and feeling tired all the time.
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