Allergy and Intolerance Testing
During your consultation we will discuss your health in some depth. Many people with sensitivities have underlying issues which predispose them to react to things in an allergic way. We will consider your diet and eating habits, home and work environments, the impact of common toxins, lifestyle and stress factors, and so on. The 'big picture' for you will provide the context for evaluating the results of your allergy test, and for the treatment and advice you'll receive.
Testing methods:
I use two (occasionally three) testing methods.
Firstly, you will be tested using Diagnostic Kinesiology (sometimes referred to as 'muscle testing'). This is now a well established approach, and has become my preferred method by virtue of its versatility and accuracy:
- It is safe and non-invasive (no needles or blood) which makes it ideal for children and everyone.
- It reveals both classic allergies AND intolerances.
- It involves you in your own allergy detection – you’ll feel the difference!
- We get to know the results as we go along (there is no long turnaround time as there is with blood tests).
- It is also very cost-effective as testing is included in the cost of the consultation.
Kinesiology can reveal sensitivity to almost anything: foods and drinks, E numbers, inhalant allergens like pollens and moulds, environmental pollutants like diesel fumes and chlorine, household chemicals like washing powder and shampoo, and so on.
Furthermore, the versatility of kinesiology is such that I can test for the important underlying factors that predispose to allergy and intolerance, including the presence of unhealthy microflora in the gut (such as fungi and parasites), and key toxins in the body (such as chemicals and heavy metals). And it can reveal functional weaknesses in different organs and systems in the body. For most people this approach is all that is required to obtain an accurate allergy and toxicity picture.
Secondly, if it looks like there are significant food sensitivities a Diagnostic Elimination Diet will usually be recommended for a period of 4 to 6 weeks maximum. This takes the diagnostic process one step further and helps to confirm the results of kinesiology testing. By removing suspect foods and drinks over this period (and then reintroducing them) we can establish how significant they are in relation to your symptoms. This method is sometimes known as 'elimination followed by challenge', and is generally regarded as the 'gold standard' for food intolerance testing.
Thirdly, Laboratory Tests are also available (at additional cost), but these are only required in exceptional circumstances. They include blood and stool tests to further evaluate immune response and gut health.
Used individually or in combination, these tests will provide a very accurate picture of your allergy status. The aim of testing and treatment is twofold: to reduce the toxic load in your body, and to strengthen your immune response to offending allergens. Health is restored (as required) by means of detoxification, attention to diet and gut health, homeopathic allergy desensitisation, and nutritional medicines.
A note for parents:
- The kinesiology testing method I use is painless and safe and effective for children of all ages, including babies.
More on testing methods:
- There are different ways of testing for sensitivity. If you would like more information on the pros and cons of the most commonly used conventional and alternative methods, including the ones I use, please download the FREE Allergy Report.
For example, the NHS and conventional allergy clinics offer skin prick (or patch) testing as standard. Please be aware, however, that they ONLY reveal 'classic allergies'. They do NOT reveal 'intolerances' or other types of sensitivity. In other words, anything you have an intolerance to won’t show up in a skin test. Given that most sensitivities are intolerances (especially to foods), these tests do not always tell the whole story and are often of limited value.
Further information on good practice:
- I do not recommend unnecessarily restrictive diets following intolerance testing. I may prioritise 1 to 3 foods only.
- I pay particular attention to the health of the gut, which is of primary importance regarding predisposition to food intolerance.
- I also pay particular attention to nutritional status. I always provide 'help sheets' with advice and dietary alternatives. I will go through these with you to help you make adjustments that feel do-able and that maintain or improve your nutritional status.
- If there appear to be multiple sensitivities then in my experience this is always an indication of deeper health issues, which should be identified and addressed.
- My approach is holistic, and I do not rely on test results alone. I evaluate test results in the context of the symptoms people present with and a deeper exploration of the underlying causes. I believe this is good practice whatever testing method is used.
To receive a
FREE Allergy Report
send me a request at
Please include your (first) name. You'll receive
your Report within three days (check your Junk/Spam folder just in case)
The Allergy Report will help you take your next steps to good health and well being. It is full of practical easy- to-read information on: 1) The pros and cons of common testing methods, 2) How to differentiate between allergy types, 3) How to assess your allergy status, 4) The value of a 'holistic'
approach to allergy, and 5) Homeopathic desensitisation.
Plus there are tips on treating six conditions which are often
allergy/intolerance related: hay fever, eczema, hives,
irritable bowel, weight gain, and feeling tired all the time.
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"I don't get bloated any more, and my very achy joints have gone. My energy has been fantastic, and I've lost weight. I just want to keep my energy levels up, and stay nice and peaceful as I am."
J.S. after testing and
treatment for food
sensitivities (wheat, dairy, and pork). She had been suffering from tired achy muscles and pains in joints, IBS, and chronic fatigue. |