Contact Us
ADVICE: Please call Robin Ravenhill on 07891 892 652 or send me an email (click here) with your query and contact number. I will respond as soon as I can.
APPOINTMENTS: Please call the clinic of your choice: Lewes (near Brighton), Polegate (near Uckfield) or Eastbourne (near Bexhill). Phone numbers are shown below. You can get directions by putting the clinic name and address into google maps.
CANCELLATIONS: If you wish to cancel or postpone your appointment please give us at least TWO days notice if possible, or cancellation fees may apply.
The Open Door Health Centre
Church Twitten
32 High Street, Lewes
East Sussex,
01273 474949
9 Barons Way, Polegate
East Sussex,
BN26 5JJ
07891 892652
Eastbourne Clinic of Natural Medicine
69 Meads Road, Eastbourne
East Sussex, BN20 7QL
01323 734664
Enter your name and email address below
to receive your
FREE Report
(This is a one-off request and you will not receive any further mailings)
The Allergy Report will help you take your next steps to good health and well being. It is full of practical easy- to-read information on: 1) The pros and cons of common testing methods, 2) How to differentiate between allergy types, 3) How to assess your allergy status, 4) The value of a 'holistic'
approach to allergy, and 5) Homeopathic desensitisation.
Plus there are tips on treating six conditions which are often
allergy/intolerance related: hay fever, eczema, hives,
irritable bowel, weight gain, and feeling tired all the time.
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The Allergy Clinic will never rent, sell or give your contact details to any third parties.